all postcodes in L21 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L21 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L21 5HA 5 0 53.472458 -2.989785
L21 5HB 22 0 53.47312 -2.987962
L21 5HD 20 0 53.472329 -2.986904
L21 5HE 21 1 53.474368 -2.984812
L21 5HF 21 1 53.47536 -2.982243
L21 5HG 20 0 53.472835 -2.987624
L21 5HH 20 0 53.472051 -2.986732
L21 5HJ 19 0 53.472936 -2.985216
L21 5HL 10 0 53.471958 -2.983927
L21 5HN 20 0 53.472787 -2.98577
L21 5HP 14 0 53.473288 -2.984998
L21 5HQ 20 0 53.47264 -2.987273
L21 5HR 25 0 53.472768 -2.983705
L21 5HS 21 0 53.472675 -2.984185
L21 5HT 22 0 53.47294 -2.982549
L21 5HU 19 0 53.472838 -2.982938
L21 5HW 14 0 53.471666 -2.984388
L21 5HX 17 0 53.472115 -2.982274
L21 5HY 14 5 53.473031 -2.980216
L21 5HZ 4 0 53.473496 -2.979353